Audio Nearby Alerts  are

  • Reminders while you are on the road. They can be tasks, errands, or checklists that you wanted to be reminded of when driving
  • Triggered based on your current location when in a car and played whenever you are  arriving at a place, leaving, or have arrived at a place
  • Played once or recurring on specified days
  • Played through your car’s speakers, and not as text notifications to ensure safety while driving

Receive Audio Alerts

  • The reminders will be triggered when in a car with the OtoZen App. This is once you set up the  Audio Nearby alerts.
  • If you are registered as a Driver with OtoZen and have your phone connected to the Car’s Bluetooth System the Audio Alerts will be played through the Car’s speakers, by duck the volume of FM/AM Radio or the Music if they are on.
  • If you are recognized as a Driver with OtoZen and don’t have your phone connected to your Car’s Bluetooth System the Audio Alerts will be played through the phone’s speaker, by pausing Music if playing on the phone speakers
    Example of an Audio Nearby alerts
  • Pick up milk when 5 mins away from Kroger