Rider Mode:

In Rider mode, the app assumes that you are a passenger and not the one driving the vehicle. Here are the key features of Rider mode:

  • Location Sharing and Tracking: You can share your live location with family members or designated contacts, keeping them informed about your whereabouts during the trip.

  • Trip Notifications: You can send and receive notifications when the trip starts, nearby locations are approached, and when the trip is completed.

  • Emergency Response: In case of an accident, the app's automatic crash detection and emergency response feature will notify the necessary authorities for immediate assistance.

Driver Mode:

In Driver mode, you indicate that you are the one driving the vehicle. In addition to all the features available in Rider mode, Driver mode offers the following additional features:

  • Driving Safety Alerts: The app provides speeding alerts and texting alerts to help you drive safely and avoid risky behaviors.

  • Drive Scores: You can view and share your Drive Scores, which provide feedback on your driving behavior, including speeding, phone usage, and other factors.

By selecting the appropriate mode based on your role in the vehicle, you can make the most of the OtoZen app's features and ensure a safe and informed trip experience.