OtoZen doesn't disable texting while driving, but it provides several measures to discourage texting and keep you informed:

  1. Immediate Vibration Warning for the Driver: If your child attempts to text while driving, the OtoZen app immediately sends a warning vibration. This alert is felt directly in their hand, acting as an instant reminder to focus on the road.

  2. Real-Time Alerts for Parents: You will receive notifications about your child's phone usage, including texting, shortly after their trip concludes. These alerts are sent within seconds of the trip's end, providing timely information about when, where, and at what speed your child was texting.

  3. Impact on Drive Score: The child's texting behavior is factored into their trip and weekly drive score, which you can review. This scoring system helps you monitor their driving habits and provides a foundation for discussions about safe driving.

By combining immediate tactile feedback for the driver and quick notifications for parents, OtoZen actively works to promote safer driving habits and keep you closely informed of your child's behavior on the road.