My Connections
Who are OtoZen Connections?
OtoZen Connections are your Family and Friends that can share location and drive information and even send each other messages. OtoZen Conne...
How can I stop sharing my location?
The Hide My Location feature allows you to stop sharing your location with all of your Connections in just a few taps. All of the Conn...
What are Place Notifications from my Connections?
Automated Arrival Notifications provide you with information about your family members' trips.OtoZen automatically sends a notification when...
Voice Messages While Driving
During a trip, you can send and receive voice messages from your OtoZen Connections. To send a message, the Connection must share their loca...
Why can't I see my family member's speed and drive score?
If you can view a family member's live location and reports but not their speed and drive score, it may be due to permission settings. Your ...
How do I check a family member’s Drive Mode?
To quickly check a family member's current Drive Mode:Open the app and navigate to the Connection's Live screen.Tap on the family member’s d...
Can I change the drive mode for my family member's trip in OtoZen?
No, you cannot change the drive mode for a family member's trip in your app. The app sends trip information based on the mode your family me...
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